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Harmony Price Prediction


Here you can find the latest ONE price prediction for 2022-2026. Is there a future for Harmony? Check our forecast and stay tuned about Harmony future.

Harmony fundamental analysis

Project name
Stock symbol
Current price
Total supply
13 054 623 289
ROI since launch
Launch date
May 2019
Official website
Blockchain Explorer

Harmony technical analysis

Although it is hardly possible to technically analyse Harmony with 100% precision, with the help of TradingView advanced analysis tool you can gain valuable insights. Real-time aggregated rating shows you ONE buy/sell potential for a selected period of time ranging from 1 minute to 1 month. The analysis is based on the most relevant technical indicators - Moving Averages, Oscillators and Pivots.

Crypto Fear & Greed Index


What is the fear and greed index?

Fear and greed index is an important market indicator in the crypto space as well as in the traditional stock market. “Extreme greed” stands for very greedy investors and the blue colour of the fear and greed index. Crypto market may be due to correction in this case. Another scenario is “extreme fear” indicated by red colour which identifies significantly afraid of the market situation investors. Fear and greed index live chart shows the current market trend. To learn more about fear and greed, check our article.

ONE live price chart

On this chart you can see Harmony price fluctuations for a desired time period.

Harmony price prediction: What heights ONE will reach?

The interest in Harmony is constantly increasing because experts and influencers have named it an undervalued coin. Of course, such a statement made its price grow. Coin Bureau being a reliable source of crypto insights assumes ONE has a lot more potential for development and can even grow as a third wheel to ETH and ADA.

Harmony price prediction for 2022-2026

Long-term predictions are harder to make, however, specialists claim ONE to be good for long-term investments. Below you can make use of data provided by different platforms about average prices of Harmony in 3 to 5 years time:
Wallet Investor: 0.946 $ (May 2026)
Digital Coin Price: 0.36828917 $ (December 2026)
Trading beasts: 0.1503088 $ (December 2024)

    What you should know about ONE coin

  • What is a Harmony?arrow

    Harmony is a PoS BEP2 token offering low-fees, low-latency, and high-throughput, aiming at the creation of an open and fast network of all nodes.

  • Is Harmony a good investment?arrow

    Currently ONE is considered a good investment opportunity in the long-term perspective.

  • Will Harmony rise in the future?arrow

    Experts anticipate Harmony’s growth and the coin is believed to retain its strong developing position.

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